Why our blog is written by an AI

The opinion of a Swiss IT service provider on the subject of 'artificial intelligence that writes blogs'.

Many of our blog articles are almost entirely written by an artificial intelligence. Here we explain the advantages and disadvantages of this and how we did it.

Your blog articles were written by an AI?

Yes, that is correct. Most of our blog articles have been written by an artificial intelligence. At least, all the ones that are marked with the corresponding reference.

For each blog article, we give an AI a topic, such as "What is Artificial Intelligence?" We then have an artificial intelligence generate a blog entry piece by piece. a blog entry - the title, introduction, sections and text are all fully automated by the AI. Since the AI works better in English than in German, we have the articles generated in English and then automatically translated with German. then translate them automatically with DeepL.

After a few seconds, we have an almost complete article, which we only have to improve structurally, do a proof-reading and publish it to our website.

Is the AI-generated content good?

It's brilliant! Imagine that: AI has read almost the entire internet, every book and newspaper. Its Its knowledge is gigantic. Now, if we generate an article about search engine optimisation, the from the knowledge of the entire world and generates an article that reflects that knowledge.

Such an article will probably not contain a secret tip, but a summary of all the knowledge about the topic. So you can assume that the articles we generate represent the knowledge of the internet. Of course, we then hand-read the articles to make sure there was no misinformation in them and possibly added or deleted sections. But on the whole, we left most of the articles 95% as they were. 95 % of the articles as they were given to us by the AI.

Why do you do that?

There are several reasons. One is we generate these articles to show what AI can do today. is capable of today. The articles we generate are linguistically almost flawless and the content is accurate, even though they were not written by a human being.

As a start-up, this gives us the opportunity to talk about topics on our website without having to hire expensive content writers or to spend many or having to spend a lot of labour resources ourselves. With the blog posts generated, we are able to inform customers and rank on Google for topics that are relevant to us.

Isn't that unethical?

Each of our articles has been read and approved by a specialist before it is published. Our articles are therefore completely correct in terms of content. We do not publish fake news or incorrect content.

Furthermore, we inform every reader that they are reading an article written by an AI and do not mislead them in any way. and are therefore not in any way fooling them.

Isn't that dangerous?

The AI itself is not. It's basically a big brain, which has read billions of texts. and can now produce new texts on certain subjects. But the AI can be misused for bad purposes. For example, to spread fake news on the internet.

I would also like to have texts generated - how does that work?

We would be happy to explain this to you in a personal conversation. You will find the contact form at the bottom of this page!

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Ziegler Consultants
Universität Zürich
Nachhilfe Lotusacademy
Käch Schüsslerwissen
Ziegler Consultants
Universität Zürich
Nachhilfe Lotusacademy
Käch Schüsslerwissen