IT services in financial technology
SME Digitalisation Swiss Financial Technology Company
Web apps and cloud software for banks and financial institutions
Switzerland is the land of secure banks and successful marketplaces. PolygonSoftware is making a name for itself in this industry with robust, reliable, automated and optimised software that is catapulting the financial industry into the digital age. Polygon has seen success with the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science, especially in the field of cryptocurrencies.

Our references in IT services in financial technology.

Interesting background knowledge about the financial technology industry in Switzerland
Software (with AI and ML) for the Fintech industry in Switzerland
FinTech stands for financial technology. The term is used to describe disruptive and innovative technologies that have the potential to replace existing services in the financial sector.
Advanced Analytics Software Development
Through the use of Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, new information can be obtained from financial data, which can be used to make better decisions.
Distributed Ledger Technology Software Development
With cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, new financial systems can be created that can operate without an intermediary and without trust. Blockchain technology makes it possible.
Crowdlending and crowdinvesting software development
This is the name given to a group of small investors who come together and take on the role of a bank to make loans or investments.
Mobile and online payment software development
Smartphone apps that stand out from the crowd with a modern and intuitive UX/UI and can thus interest new users in financial products that were previously inaccessible to them.
Potential and advantages of FinTech in Switzerland
In Switzerland, many start-ups are active in the fintech sector. The enormous potential of the fintech industry lies primarily in the flexibility of the use of technology and the high degree of automation of processes. This greatly improves efficiency and saves costs. Fintech competes directly with traditional institutions to provide services at lower cost. conditions. On the other hand, a lean cost structure allows them to target business or customer segments client areas where traditional institutions are inadequate and therefore less profitable. In such a constellation, Fintech complements traditional institutions. In this context, it is not uncommon to see relevant fintech companies Fintech companies take over the services of traditional institutions and integrate them into their product portfolios. They obtain loans with less effort or lower costs and advice. The growing popularity of mobile electronics such as services, cloud computing, smart phones, tablets and the continued popularity of the internet will have a positive impact on the development of fintech companies.